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- Vernon “Mad Max” Maxwell talks Hakeem, Drazen, MJ, and a Young Kobe
- An Unexpected Charley Horse In a Most Unexpected Place
- A Concerned Father Inadvertently Opens the Gates of Hell By Purchasing His Daughter Her First Smartphone
- Are Advice Columns a Crock of You Know What?
- Someone Is Going To Be a Jerk Today
- The Los Angeles Lukas
- RE: I Was a Teenage Webmaster
- The Return of Randomness
- Scratching the Itch That Is the Look and Feel of My Blog
- Everybody Needs a Little Time Away
- I Once Had a Shadow: A Tribute to and Story of a Dog Named Mozzarella Cheese
- I Left My Heart at the Vet’s Office Yesterday
- The Purpose and Placement of a Desk
- The Teeth on Aluminum Foil Rolls Are 100% Unnecessary
- My Neighbor Bought a New Electric Leaf Blower and Is Currently Terrorizing the Leaves in His Yard As I Type This
- A Friendly Reminder to Parents of Our Single Most Important Responsibility on the Day after Halloween
- An Honestly Funny Story About the First Time I Ever Voted In a Presidential Election
- Don’t Follow the Leader
- Create a Smarter, More Personalized Smartphone with iPhone’s Smart Stack Feature
- 43 Lessons I’ve Learned In My Anxiety-Filled Yet Otherwise Ordinary 43 Years of Existence
- A Thomas Thwaites Reference
- I’m the Volume In Your F—ked Up Teenage Band
- Punk Rock Lullabies
- Blog More, Hesitate Less
- My Brain Isn’t Working
- Me and the Dog at 2:30 AM
- The Art of Being the Worst Texter in the World
- The New Tenant: A Short Story
- Punk Rock Flashback: Vol. 1
- Old Running Shoes
- A Change of Direction
- My Unwavering Love for the Blue Hyperlink
- The Lone Reader
- My Arthritic Knee: An Ode
- A Funny Story to Start Your Morning
- A Small Town, a Photo, and Two Bloggers Eight Years Later
- That’s Correct. I Still Own a PS3
- Summer’s End
- Superman Ice Cream
- This Is a Blog
- Now Is the Time for Right Speech
- Post vs. Post + Email
- I Wish My Car Had a Cassette Player
- I Am the Cardinal and I Will Not Drop In Until Everyone’s Gone
- The Wildlife of Spring in Early Summer
- The Deflated Volleyball
- If You Give a Squirrel a Cookie
- Reading The Big Lebowski Screenplay
- The Visitor Counter
- My Daily Writing Routine Is Out of Sync
- The Last Life Hack You Will Ever Need
- RIP Coconut
- I Once Ran Out of Gas Fifty Feet From My House
- Writing vs Written
- My Hidden Talent Is Spilling Coffee and Tea. What’s Yours?
- Where Do You Come Up With Ideas To Write About?
- The Text Messages My Mom Sends Me Could Be Its Own Netflix Comedy Special
- Dropping the Kids Off at the Pool
- Jeremiah, an Opossum, and a Litter of Kittens
- Daddy Ate My Pop-Tarts
- Easily Digestible Bits of My Brain on the Daily
- Age Is Just a Number — That Keeps Going Up
- Noodle
- Her Name Was Daisy and Her Laugh Was Her Smile
- My Mom Once Tried to Levitate in Our Backyard, an April Fools’ Day Story
- In Which I Reluctantly Put a Spoonful of Sour Cream in My Soup
- Self, Meet No-Self
- Slammed Fingers, South Boston Speedway, and Straw Hats
- An Ode to My Toenails and Their Respective Role in the UVA Men’s Basketball Championship Run of 2019
- I’ll Let You Drive the Golf Cart
- Game. Set. Match
- A Love Story for Valentine’s Day
- The Eye Test of Middle Age
- Even an Old Dog Can Loon New Tricks
- This Is How I Know My Wife Is a Better Person Than I Am
- Blogging Isn’t Dead. It Never Died. It’s Never Going to Die. Neither Is Personal Blogging
- Harold the Bully
- This Seated Chair Workout Is Kicking My Butt Sideways
- The Next Time You See Me I’m Going to be Totally Ripped — Maybe
- I Know You Can’t Live Forever but When You’re Ready, I’ll Be Here
- Walking as a Physical Activity Is Crazy Underrated and You Should Be Doing It More
- Why Do We Make Running Essays So Dang Boring?
- Blogging Year in Review: 2023
- Seeing an Old Friend Is Good for the Soul
- How I Got Out of Wrapping Christmas Presents This Year
- The Argument for Christmas Cookies All Year Round
- Your Christmas Story
- There Are No Perfect Words. There Is No Perfect Circle
- What Christmas Movie Would You Want to Be In?
- When Do Spots Begin to Fade?
- Beneath Skeletal Trees Now
- Oldie but Goodie: Thanksgiving Special
- Wildfire in the Distance
- Townhouse Wasteland
- The Day After Halloween: A Parent’s Perspective
- Deer in Autumn
- The Ear Hair is the Worst
- Poem for a Rainy Day
- One Last Laugh Before the Afterlife
- Give Yourself Grace
- It Was a Poem All Along
- Chasing Ghosts
- How to Be (Un)successful
- “Publish Every Day.” How Does Seth Godin Do It?
- The World Is Not on Fire
- What Do You Remember About Yesterday?
- I Don’t Care What Political Beliefs My Friends Have
- One Song on Repeat for the Rest of Your Life
- Grief Finds a Way
- Buy Me a Coffee
- New Poem on Medium
- Why I Write Every Single Day of My Life
- Would you pay to read my fiction writing?
- Put Your Shirt On. You’re Making Me Self-Conscious
- The Curious Case of the Half-Blind Squirrel
- No parent has any earthly idea what they are doing
- Cage Match: Your Dad vs That Famous Person
- The Extraordinary in the Ordinary
- Wild Encounters on the Run: Mama Raccoon
- Rediscovering Adventure on Two Wheels
- Embrace the absurdity of learning new things
- Sleepwalking at 2 AM
- Fake It Till You Make It Is Bad Advice, Just Make It
- How Not to Fish
- Write like nobody’s reading
- The Canoe Ride from Hell: Misadventures on Staunton River
- Embracing Sentimentality: The Power of Writing That Evokes Emotion
- Look Down at Your Bellybutton: A Mother’s Day Tribute
- Confessions of an Overthinker: Why I Struggle to Blog
- In my mind, I already had
- Sunday Coffee, Vol. 5
- Sunday Coffee, Vol. 4
- Sunday Coffee, Vol. 3
- Weekend Challenge: Re-read your favorite book
- Sunday Coffee, Vol. 2
- Weekend Challenge: Install a birdhouse
- Flowchart for whether you should run today on a bum leg
- Sunday Coffee, Vol. 1
- Weekend Challenge: Run a mile
- Do you hear the birds?
- The Kindness of Strangers: How a simple greeting can brighten someone’s day
- Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows
- Bacon Hollow Overlook
- Backyard birds on a cold winter’s day
- Don’t be that parent at a youth sporting event.
- How to become a writer in 10 minutes
- Pedal
- A walk in the woods
- Pileated woodpecker
- What really killed My Buddy
- Pop culture lies I tell my kids: U Can’t Touch This
- The man who hated caller ID
- William Wordsworth once said that the best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.
- For Sale: Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs
- The meditation of running
- Do birds sing in Ukraine?
- Beautiful crow (haiku)
- When you write an original song but keep messing up
- Embrace silence
- Sketch off!
- Don’t be angry. Be Keanu.
- Red-tailed hawk
- Homemade pizza on a kerosene heater
- A Christmas (Eve) to remember
- Show, Don’t Tell
- Cake
- Keeping a daily journal
- This Is Me Being Uncomfortable: October 2021
- Writing about running
- The snake and the vine
- The frog and the fish
- Before it is lost
- Nothing turns my wife on more than when I’m holding one of these in my hand
- The birds are still asleep
- Lovesick for you
- No, I wasn’t hacked
- I saved a chickadee’s life
- South Boston Speedway, 1988
- You can’t be stuck in your own head when you run
- Godwin’s
- What the world sounds like when you wake at 5 a.m.
- To hell and back with a cigarette break in between
- Stowaway On a Cloud
- Ants Like Cattle at a Trough
- The Catbird
- If I abruptly go silent while on a conference call at work
- Tin Whistle
- A Curious Wind
- The Water Sure Is Cold. Deep, Too.
- A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
- Panic Attacks Suck (Alternate Title: The Exploding Tell-Tale Heart)
- The Seizure
- The First Phone Call
- Stephen King comes to Phenix, Virginia
- Who Is My Ideal Reader? Definitely Not Who You Think
- The New Kid
- The Music Stops
- The Gilliam Shed
- Creature from the Black Lagoon
- 10 Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes still relevant today
- Robins in Winter
- Always Love. Hate Will Get You Every Time
- Should a sense of dread come over you, go for a walk
- Overcome Fear and Unleash Your Potential: A Guide to Using Fear as Motivation
- ’Twas the day before Christmas
- Apologies In Advance
- Why I’m giving up blogging — at least for now
- A zen apprentice walks into a bar
- Pandemic beard progression
- My kids didn’t think I could still dunk. I had to prove them wrong.
- The secret to a long and happy marriage
- William Carlos Williams was no poet
- Summer waterpark alternative
- The real reason I left Facebook
- The holder of ropes
- Don’t let anger guide you
- The proper recourse now
- A young child asks a zen monk how to take care of her anger when she is mad
- Crow buddha crow
- Today is a blank page
- The jumping spider and the tree
- Dear kids, stop calling my shorts “a bathing suit”
- When my kids start talking to me about Minecraft
- The birds and the bees
- A poem of immense depth to my wife
- An open letter to my suburban neighbors on the state of my sanity
- Why God Made Tall People: A Haiku
- I no longer believe in daily meditation
- The Banana Heads: A graphic novel
- Rabbits
- I don’t smoke weed anymore
- The coordination of crows
- Dinner in spring
- Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail still rings true to this day
- Black men matter. Black women matter. Black children matter.
- The 4-minute read that needs to go viral
- But is it kind?
- The last words of George Floyd
- My wife needs to create her own mandala coloring book
- Even Squirrels Relax
- When you’re angry, pull weeds
- I still see you
- The Need to Explain
- Instead of…
- Simpler Times
- When you sweep, sweep.
- Perspective: Exploring the Streets of New York City on a BMX During COVID-19 Lockdown
- 41
- One Sentence at a Time
- The Domino Effect
- Her Own Pace
- The Factory Model Economy Is Dead
- Totally Awesome Music Playlist from Twelve Years Ago
- Dog Eyeballs
- Rain or Shine
- There’s Always a Silver Lining
- First Haircut After COVID-19 Pandemic Ends
- An Ode to Scott 1000
- About Damn Time
- Andrew W.K. vs. COVID-19
- Listen to Your Mom. Don’t Talk On the Phone When It’s Lightning
- Not Your Typical Shopping List
- When I Worked In Construction, My Nickname Was PP
- Depressed? Watch This and You Won’t Be, At Least For a Few Minutes
- That’s Right Kids, Michael Jordan Was My Teammate
- Should I Stay or Should I Go?
- Rest in Peace, Kobe Bean Bryant
- Raw Potatoes
- Stranger In a Strange Land
- The Apparition
- The accidental book
- Sentimental Journey
- When Was the Last Time You Looked Up?
- My Little Anti-Authoritarians
- Simple Math Really
- There’s always a reason to laugh
- The Silver Lining of a Chest Cold
- Writing Is Freedom
- In Need of a Summer Read?
- Sometimes Sadness Feels Happy
- The Simple Pleasure of Walking Your Dog
- Here Lies Someone Serious
- Sitting On a Hillside While My Son Practices Soccer
- Slow Down, Time
- For anyone complaining about the Ty Jerome double dribble no-call during last night’s Virginia vs Auburn Final Four game
- Coaching advice from your new soccer coach who knows nothing about soccer but has seen the original Karate Kid more than a dozen times. Sweep the leg, Johnny!
- A Slight Digression On My Own Experience Starting a Rock Band
- The single worst date of my life, aka: First, last date; otherwise known as Never reserve a ‘Table for Two’ at Red Lobster
- An Open Letter to My New Neighbor Who Yells at People Who Is No Longer My Neighbor Because He Yelled at Too Many People and Was Likely Evicted
- How Not To Fry An Egg
- Robbie, Junior
- Sometimes I Don’t Like My Brain
- Words
- Episode 6: This Is Me Being Uncomfortable
- The Court
- Then and Now: A Brief History of Phenix, Virginia
- Welcome to Phenix: A Nice Place to Live
- The Ghosts of Childhood
- To Blog or Not To Blog — That Is the Question
- A Peaceful Walk Down By the Water; Or, A Fish Hook to the Groin
- Handwritten Notes While Eating Alone
- I Started Writing Poetry Again; Or, A Brief, Soul Crushing History of Working In a Bagel Shop
- Mikey, the Ninja Turkey: A Thanksgiving Tale, As Told By My Five Year Old Son
- Perhaps You Should See a Counselor
- Author Insights: Writing a Book Is a Very Different Experience Than Reading a Book
- Today Is Not About Me: It’s About the People Who Made Me, Me
- Author Insights: Writing Is a Lonely Endeavor
- What’s In a Name: Why I chose the title I did for the memoir I am writing
- The Water That Carried Them Away
- Red fire trucks and police cars
- Text Messages with Friends: Power ballads, Foster’s beer, and pick-up lines
- Who am I, who are you?
- Dear literary agent, I wrote a children’s book — call me
- I feel like a failure every time I sit down to write
- The flash mob that wasn’t
- Flying death monster from above
- My dog was bitten in the face by a squirrel
- When your thoughts won’t stop racing, pick up a book
- Creativity isn’t something you should suppress
- Your job title isn’t important
- You are replaceable
- Book Update: Two
- The many benefits of being sick—no, really
- I fell in love with my wife in high school, but thank goodness we never dated
- The Successful Writer’s Secret to Writing Every Day: A Condensed Manifesto
- Polly Was a Fat Dog
- Your Story Matters: Processing Pain and Trauma
- 2017: The Year I Started Writing Again
- My Dad Died, But He Is Not Dead
- Early Bird Gets the Worm
- Writing By Hand Is an Act of Creative Rebellion
- Is My Writing Any Good?
- Book Update 1
- The Last Letters of Vincent van Gogh
- The Day We Went Back In Time
- I’m afraid to write this story because…
- Episode 5 of This Is Me Being Uncomfortable
- I listened to Taylor Swift and my ears did not bleed. Instead, they rejoiced
- If I am not being creative, I become a lukewarm version of myself and jeopardize my happiness
- Charles Bukowski on living the life you aspire to live despite all odds
- #Charlottesville
- But whatever I am has its source back there…
- An empty chamber, black and hollow and alone
- The Red Lollipop
- El Chupacabra on a Friday night at 1 a.m.
- The Man Who Walked Off the Face of the Earth
- Where My Father Once Stood
- When Depression Comes to the Workplace
- Grief Is a Fire, Smoldering
- When the nightmares began
- Babies Have Soft Spots on Their Skulls
- In Phenix, Virginia, I Was Born and Raised
- This Is Happiness
- Peace of Mind
- Ready or Not, Here I Come
- It starts with the breath
- Gentle, Little Bird
- Just Be
- It Doesn’t Matter Where We Go
- Sleeping Birds Do Not Sing: A Novel (Excerpt)
- This Is Me Being Uncomfortable: Episode 004
- Do You Not Know How Beautiful You Are?
- The Way I Love You
- This Is Me Being Uncomfortable: Seasonal Affective Disorder (Ep. 003)
- Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: A Brief Book Review
- What Others Think
- I Miss Your Speech Impediment
- A Simple Meditation
- Ease Stress and Anxiety in Your Life by Taking a Mindful Walk
- Contemplating Death and the Fragility of Life
- A List of Things I Dislike Strongly Yet Would Still Prefer Do Than Wrap a Christmas Present
- The Junk Drawer of My Childhood
- This Great Big Scary Thing
- The Last Leaf
- Cal Meets Leon Phelps the Cat (When the Lights Go Out at 10:16)
- This Is Me Being Uncomfortable: Episode 2 (Audio)
- Without Mud, There is No Lotus
- I Cry Myself to Sleep at Night Sometimes
- Stuff My Three Year Old Son Said Today: Volume 2 (A Halloween Special)
- I Was Not Mauled or My Face Eaten Off by a Territorial Bear
- This is Me Talking About Meditation, This is Me Being Uncomfortable
- True Facts from the Small Town of Phenix, Virginia: The Aces
- Down by the Water
- But When You Give a Feast, Invite the Poor, the Crippled, the Lame, the Blind
- Stuff My Three Year Old Son Said Today: Volume 1
- The War is Over
- This Is Water
- The Lady Next Door: An Update
- My Interview with Richard Cox, Author of The Boys of Summer: A Novel
- Thoughts From My Grandmother’s Funeral; or, This is Not Sad, Depressing Commentary
- Snapping Green Beans with Granny
- The novel that wasn’t a novel
- Birds of One Feather
- A pocket knife from my grandfather
- So You’re a Minimalist. What Does That Even Mean?
- I Am a Minimalist, and This Is the Story of When I Began to Question All of the Superfluous Stuff In My Life
- A father’s letter to his children on Father’s Day
- Calm the Negative Voice in Your Head; or, My Son Urinated on a Toilet Seat and Couldn’t Be More Proud of Himself
- Fish Swim Forth and Stay
- Hello, Anxiety. I Know You Are There
- In response to Phenix Being Named to the 10 Small Towns In Virginia Where You’d Never Want To Live
- One bacon, egg, and cheese bagel later
- Letter to my Grandmother
- Interview with Sean Beaudoin, author of Welcome Thieves
- Looking from the outside in re: tornado aftermath in Appomattox, Evergreen, Waverly
- Overcoming Anxiety: What is Anxiety?
- 3 Reasons We Were Meant to be Together
- 7 books that will initiate a positive change in your life
- Overcoming Anxiety: Meet the Author
- We None Truly Ever Die
- Overcoming Anxiety: An Introduction
- Re: Community Mourns Local Running Man Killed
- How to Make a Grown Man Cry
- How To Take a Break From Facebook
- My Facebook Sabbatical: How a Social Media Cleanse Gave Me New Perspective and More Insight on the Important Things In Life
- While On a Run, I Met a Man Who Had Lost 80 Percent of His Hip to Lymphoma. He Talked, I Listened
- Lord, Help Me Be the Person My Dog Thinks I Am
- Two Simple Words
- Hi, My Name is Jeff, and I Suffer from Anxiety
- Do I Pack for My Dad’s Funeral?
- Let It Wayne
- Throwback Thursday with Duke Blue Devils Great Bobby Hurley
- Text Messages with Friends: The Longtime Friend
- No Other Place I Would Rather Be
- How to administer ear drops to a small (very strong) child
- What brings value to my life?
- Are you comfortable driving a tractor?
- May 21 Is My Dog’s Birthday, Not the Day My Dad Died
- You don’t need an app for that and 11 other things I learned from running over the last 11 months
- Tweets I would tweet if I still had a Twitter account: #2
- A brief history of Anti-Lou
- Henry, stop biting the trash can
- I’ve been thinking about my own mortality a lot lately
- Do One in Four Women Sell Younique 3D Fiber Lashes? I Think Maybe So
- A Child’s Imagination
- The Lady Next Door, Now on Kindle
- A little piece of Shauna’s heart
- Seeking Validation, Grasping for a Sense of Accomplishment
- Setting the Setting
- Welcome to the First Week of Swimming Lessons
- Shakespeare at the Beach (During Shark Week)
- When geese attack; or, how I almost got my ass kicked by a Canadian goose
- The Reluctant Runner
- Conversations With My 2 Year Old Daughter: Episode 1
- The Chris Bosh Disappearing Act
- Colored Sketch of My Son Henry
- The Wind at My Back: End of Week 1
- The Wind at My Back
- 2013 NBA Playoffs: Separated at Birth
- Tweets I Would Tweet If I Still Had a Twitter Account: #1
- (Oh) Henry
- Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say To Your Pregnant Wife Who is Full Term and Could Go Into Labor Any Minute
- Fudged Resume in a Difficult Economy
- On Second Thought, I Think I’ll Just Hang Out Here a Little Longer
- Maggie Simpson in “The Longest Daycare”
- One Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed
- The Demon in the Freezer: Brief Book Reviews
- Movember Misspeak
- Scene from an Awkward Christmas Dinner at Buss Family Household
- Exclusive Video of President Barack Obama After Winning in Ohio, Elected to Second Term
- I Love You So Much, I’m Eating Sardines
- Bruce Springsteen Setlist
- Bruce Springsteen in Charlottesville and I’m There, Oh Yeah
- Review of Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
- The Sound of His Voice, Mumbled and Deep
- Sweet Potato Pancakes at 7 AM
- Craig Lancaster vs. Jonathan Evison
- How to Enable Enhanced Rich Text Editor in SharePoint Announcements
- I Don’t Want To Be a Writer Anymore: Part III
- Chuck Norris Has Officially Lost His Shit
- Something You Pass Around
- Author Magazine interviews Jess Walter, author of Beautiful Ruins, Financial Lives of the Poets, The Zero et al
- August 28, 1963: I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Rare Photo of Paul Ryan at Free Mumia Rally Wearing Rage Against the Machine t-shirt
- Joseph Conrad on Writing, Storytelling
- All Adult and Youth Book Sales, January 2012
- Jamie Iredell, What Happens When You Read
- David Foster Wallace on humor, addiction
- Chris Mullin Hairstyles That Never Were – The Pat Riley
- A Greater Plan: A Son Remembers His Dad on Father’s Day
- Fathermucker: A Day in the Life of a Stay at Home Dad
- The Other F Word: From Punk Rocker to Father
- My Facial Hair Reminds Me of a Lagwagon Song
- I Don’t Want To Be a Writer Anymore: Part II
- An Observation on the Lunch Time Habits of Co-Workers
- Justin Anderson, UVA Men’s Basketball Recruit
- Interview with Thomas Thwaites, author of The Toaster Project
- Colored Sketch of My Daughter Annabelle
- Words that begin with “in-” that the New York press can use to describe Jeremy Lin’s game
- I Don’t Want To Be a Writer Anymore: Part I
- Chris Mullin Hairstyles That Never Were – The Rick James
- Kevin Love: The New Big Fundamental
- David Robinson Spotted at 3:23
- Shit Nobody Says
- Good Books
- The Lady Next Door
- Rabbit, Run