Always taking a too thick novel to the beach and never getting past page fifteen? Try a short story instead — my short story, to be more precise. Available on Kindle for just 99 cents. That’s cheaper than a 20 oz. soft drink, and it won’t rot your teeth. But it may very well warm your heart.

If you enjoy the story, consider leaving an awesome review so others can find it. Feel free to share this link with family and friends as well and help it shoot up the Amazon charts again.
I know it’s been a while since I last posted a blog. I’m sort of waffling on my original plan in that I was going to take a hiatus from blogging for the summer while I work through a potential mid-life crisis—meaning: I bought a BMX; started skateboarding again after a 20-year retirement; and also purchased an acoustic guitar so I’ve been rocking out to some punk rock melodies with my kids.
About thirty days into my hiatus, I’m finding myself itching to blog again. Tonight, I decided to scratch the itch. So here we are.
Part of my hiatus involved a plan, so I might as well let you in on that. I’m putting together a collection of short essays which will be available in print and e-book in a couple of months. The collection will be titled the same as my blog, which is Life, Death, and Everything In Between.
More on that to come.
And, while I may not entirely stop blogging for the summer, it will be less frequent while I work on this collection and some new pieces. There’s always the archive if you need something to read while I’m away.
For now, I bid you adieu.
Enjoy your summer.