Punk Rock Lullabies

Summer’s End

Superman Ice Cream

If You Give a Squirrel a Cookie

Daddy Ate My Pop-Tarts

I’ll Let You Drive the Golf Cart

This Is How I Know My Wife Is a Better Person Than I Am

The Day After Halloween: A Parent’s Perspective

No parent has any earthly idea what they are doing

Look Down at Your Bellybutton: A Mother’s Day Tribute

Sunday Coffee, Vol. 3

Sunday Coffee, Vol. 2

Don’t be that parent at a youth sporting event.

Show, Don’t Tell

The snake and the vine

Dear kids, stop calling my shorts “a bathing suit”

My Little Anti-Authoritarians

A Peaceful Walk Down By the Water; Or, A Fish Hook to the Groin

Mikey, the Ninja Turkey: A Thanksgiving Tale, As Told By My Five Year Old Son

Babies Have Soft Spots on Their Skulls

Ready or Not, Here I Come

Gentle, Little Bird

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: A Brief Book Review

I Miss Your Speech Impediment