Rest in Peace, Kobe Bean Bryant

Raw Potatoes

Stranger In a Strange Land

The Apparition

The accidental book

Sentimental Journey

When Was the Last Time You Looked Up?

My Little Anti-Authoritarians

Simple Math Really

There’s always a reason to laugh

The Silver Lining of a Chest Cold

Writing Is Freedom

In Need of a Summer Read?

Sometimes Sadness Feels Happy

The Simple Pleasure of Walking Your Dog

Here Lies Someone Serious

Sitting On a Hillside While My Son Practices Soccer

Slow Down, Time

For anyone complaining about the Ty Jerome double dribble no-call during last night’s Virginia vs Auburn Final Four game

Coaching advice from your new soccer coach who knows nothing about soccer but has seen the original Karate Kid more than a dozen times. Sweep the leg, Johnny!

A Slight Digression On My Own Experience Starting a Rock Band

The single worst date of my life, aka: First, last date; otherwise known as Never reserve a ‘Table for Two’ at Red Lobster

An Open Letter to My New Neighbor Who Yells at People Who Is No Longer My Neighbor Because He Yelled at Too Many People and Was Likely Evicted

How Not To Fry An Egg