The Deflated Volleyball

The Last Life Hack You Will Ever Need

I Once Ran Out of Gas Fifty Feet From My House

My Hidden Talent Is Spilling Coffee and Tea. What’s Yours?

The Text Messages My Mom Sends Me Could Be Its Own Netflix Comedy Special

Dropping the Kids Off at the Pool

Jeremiah, an Opossum, and a Litter of Kittens

Daddy Ate My Pop-Tarts

Easily Digestible Bits of My Brain on the Daily

My Mom Once Tried to Levitate in Our Backyard, an April Fools’ Day Story

In Which I Reluctantly Put a Spoonful of Sour Cream in My Soup

An Ode to My Toenails and Their Respective Role in the UVA Men’s Basketball Championship Run of 2019

I’ll Let You Drive the Golf Cart

Game. Set. Match

The Eye Test of Middle Age

Even an Old Dog Can Loon New Tricks

This Is How I Know My Wife Is a Better Person Than I Am

This Seated Chair Workout Is Kicking My Butt Sideways

The Next Time You See Me I’m Going to be Totally Ripped — Maybe

Why Do We Make Running Essays So Dang Boring?

How I Got Out of Wrapping Christmas Presents This Year

One Last Laugh Before the Afterlife

I Don’t Care What Political Beliefs My Friends Have

Put Your Shirt On. You’re Making Me Self-Conscious