Personal Musings

A Small Town, a Photo, and Two Bloggers Eight Years Later

Here’s a fascinating essay for you to read: “Amazing Still Happens. The Incalculable Odds of Clicking My Way Back to Phenix, Virginia.” It’s written by another blogger by the name of Alan Levine. You could say it began eight years ago in 2016. It’s about a small town, a photo taken by a traveler passing through, and how two bloggers connected eight years later by way of another blogger who lives in another country altogether.

Before you click over to the story, first picture in your mind how big the Internet (and the world) is: billions of webpages, billions of people.

Got it?

Now, go give it a read.

P.S. I was originally going to share the link to Alan’s essay at the top of an essay I’m currently working on. But that essay is growing longer and longer by the minute, so it’ll be at least a few more days until it goes live on my site. Brevity is not a strength of mine. I’ll share it with you all once it’s ready so see you soon.