Personal Musings

This Is a Blog

Nothing more and nothing less

This is a blog. It’s not a magazine. It’s not a book. It’s not social media. It’s not a landing page designed to represent my best work alone.

It’s a blog.

It’s a hodgepodge of long reads, short reads, medium reads, and random thoughts 1-2 sentences long.

It is an amalgamation of words I’ve spent considerable time crafting peppered with what one may consider throwaway posts on days I wrote to write with little to no expectation of polish or fine-tuning.

I struggle with this sometimes. I don’t want someone stumbling onto this blog, reading a less than pristine piece of my work, and harshly judging the whole of my writing by that one post. I want them to read the best words I have to offer. Selected words I curated and put forth on this site over time.

But blogs don’t work like this.

And this is a blog.

Make no mistake about it.

I write stories. I share stories. But that is not the purpose of this site alone. This is a blog and it is, and will always be, a repository of my thoughts, observations, and failures.

It is a web-log in the truest sense. Not terribly different than when I started doing this nearly thirty years ago in the mid-90s.

This is a blog.

A web-log.

A log.