My name is Jeffrey Pillow and I write things you may like. Get a feel for my storytelling by visiting some of the links below. If you like what you read, you can subscribe for free to receive updates of new posts by email.

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a helpful guide for navigating this blog

Read stories based on your current attention span

Is your attention span garbage? Mine is, but not always. I blame modern technology. Also: genetics. But my ability to concentrate isn’t always buried under banana peels and empty dog food cans. No matter what your current state of inattention is, I’ve created a handy guide for navigating this site. It’s organized by long reads, medium reads, and short reads.

The Focused Zen State

I typically share one long-form story on my blog each week. Below are some reader favorites that range from 1,500 to 5,000 words. They are free for everyone to read. No paywall. But I do encourage those who enjoy my stories to drop a few dollars in my virtual hat.

I’ve Got a Few Minutes to Spare

I’m an old school blogger at heart. Been publishing words on the Internet since 1997 when GeoCities still roamed the world wide web. Despite the asteroid that was social media, I kept blogging. A dinosaur of a bygone era who avoided the tar pits and developed into a bird perhaps. Crow, I hope. Love me some crows. You can find my latest posts by scrolling back up to the top or you can visit the blog or the full archive instead. Your call.

Here are some other blog posts you may dig:

squirrel! squirrel!

I blog daily on this site at Random Thoughts. It’s separate from my standard blog. Think of this page like tweets you’d find on Twitter/X, but without the accompanying cesspool in the comments section. The word count here is anything from 15-200 words.

This Is How I Know My Wife Is a Better Person Than I Am, and other stories

Author Photo, Jeffrey Pillow

I’m currently finishing up a nonfiction collection that will be released later this year. The title essay is based on a story I wrote that was boosted on Medium in early 2024: “This Is How I Know My Wife Is a Better Person Than I Am” and is one of the top read stories in the Buddhism category.