Arts & Culture Books

Crow buddha crow

Three books I’m reading right now.

I never read one book at a time.
It’s a habit I picked up while a
Student at the University of Virginia.

On average, those in my major
Were assigned six to seven books each week.
And, each day we would discuss a section
From the assigned text.

Reading one book at a time
Wasn’t an option.
The habit remains.
Also, I get bored easily
And have adult ADHD.

And so, these are three books
I am currently reading right now:

Hollow Kingdom
By Kira Jane Buxton.
It’s narrated by a crow
Named S.T. who is trying to
Survive a zombie apocalypse
In Seattle. His murder
Consists of a dog named Dennis.

The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching:
Transforming Suffering into Peace,
Joy, and Liberation
By Thich Nhat Hanh.
Title and subtitle says it all.
I read this book on repeat
Every week, particularly
The Noble Eightfold Path.

In the Company of Crows and Ravens
By John Marzluff and Tony Angell.
You may recognize a theme of
Crows here with me. Marzluff
Refers to crows not as birds,
But as “flying monkeys.”
If you know anything of crows,
There’s a reason why Marzluff
Calls them this.

If you were to buy one of
the books mentioned here,
I would receive a commission
which I appreciate as it helps
pay for the operating costs
of this blog.